Sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

Finally, The Exam Over!

Yes! Finally, the exams are over! And now I was enjoying my freedom with updating my blog. And posts this. Hahaha. Today is the last day of semester exam, Social test. Oh-my-goodness, I almost crying when I studying it last night. It's oh-so-very-hard, you know. I don't interesting in Social--except the History, haha. Well, but the test is not too hard. I can passed it easily. :D

Well, today I also accept some results of my semester exam. Oh, I got some AWESOME score, like Computer (I got 98.5), Science (88.3--it's fantastic, considering that I'm never got a great score in Science exam!), Arabic (90), English (I've got 97--however, I think I do it perfectly), Qur'an (I got 85, yes!), Javanese (what the hell--I got 70?!), and the poor one... Math (I got 62--oh, it's soooo poor...)

My mother told me: if I got a higher rank in this exam, she will buy a netbook for me. Yaaay. My target is: I got 1st rank to 10th rank. Just wish me luck, readers. But my teacher told me this morning that she will include me in the photography competition at school. Oh, I've got a dilemma! What should I choose later: netbook or DSLR camera? I don't know... I'm sooo confused...

Well, I think it's enough, my first English post. Are my grammar right? I don't think so~ XD

Voyez-vous, lecteur! (= goodbye, readers!)

Oresama, Oyabun, can you understand this post? :DD

4 komentar:

  1. i'm understand, it's not too 'heavy' for me.

    *switch to indonesian*

    kamu liat nilai b.jawa dimana ?
    tau nilaiku gak?

    *back to english*

    -heck-, math?! 62?!
    hell, but i hope u can get better rank

  2. haaaaa..... *melongo* sitik mudeng sitik ora'... maklumlah...

    lha rika si kepenak. inyong dhewe ya, nilaine lagi pada turun... tapi wis lah, sing penting rangkinge ora' njeblos ning bawahe 29..


    are you understand what I mean ?

  3. oh yeah, almost forget. check this out! ada angin bohorok. hehe....

    and who is he? a character from Harry potter, It's seems...

  4. enyong mah fleksibel, bisa tegal-an bisa bosone wong londo , tapi gak selancar wodeng maupun rara.

    jadi yaah, ngerti laah~
